Books and refereed journal articles in English

About moral, political and societal dimensions of moral injury with extensive case studies of Bosnia and Afghanistan veterans. Published with Routledge. This book was awarded the Van Helsdingen award for best work on the borderline of psychiatry and philosophy. Click here for a link to the book (or email me).


About morale and moral injury among soldiers in the Russia-Ukraine War
Molendijk, T. 2024. Morale and moral injury among Russian and Ukrainian combatants. In: M. Rothman, L. Peperkamp, S. Rietjens, eds. Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War. Leiden University Press, 97–121. LINK

Literature review on (military) humor, resilience and soldiers’ life-worlds
Molendijk, T. & Kalkman, J. 2023. Military humor: An exploratory pre-study for research project HUMIL. Breda: Netherlands Defence Academy. LINK

About the role of technological innovation – in this case robotics & AI – in soldiers’ experience & (moral) meaning-making
Van der Maarel, S., Verweij, D., Kramer, E. H., & Molendijk, T. 2023. ‘This is not what I signed up for’. Sociotechnical imaginaries, expectations and disillusionment in a Dutch military innovation hub. Science, Technology & Human Values. OnlineFirst, DOI: 10.1177/01622439231211032. LINK

About moral coping strategies and not having moral injuries
Molendijk, T. 2023. Moral Coping or Simply Uncomplicated Soldiering? How Soldiers Avoid Moral Injury Through Simplification, Justification, Rationalization, and Compartmentalization. Armed Forces & Society, OnlineFirst, DOI: 10.1177/0095327X231165910. LINK

About seriously including an ´emic´ perspective focused on soldiers’ personal experience in sociological research on the military
Molendijk, T. & Kalkman, J. 2023. Towards a Soldier-Based View in Research on The Military: An Empathetically Critical Approach. Social Sciences, 12(2):51. LINK

Book about violence in extreme conditions and ethical challenges in military practice
Entire book (co-edited)
2023. (together with E-H Kramer) (eds.) Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice. Cham: Springer. LINK (entire book open-access)
Written chapters in the book:
– 2023. (together with E-H Kramer) Introduction. In: E-H Kramer & T. Molendijk, eds. Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice. Cham: Springer, 1-13. LINK
– 2023. Military trauma and the conflicted human condition: Moral injury as a window into violence, human nature and military ethics. In: E-H Kramer & T. Molendijk, eds. Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice. Cham: Springer, 29-41. LINK
– 2023. (together with E-H Kramer) Concluding reflections. In: E-H Kramer & T. Molendijk, eds. Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice. Cham: Springer, 175-179. LINK

About the moral emotions evoked in researchers when doing research among morally injured people
Gilhuis, N. & Molendijk, T. 2022. When the personal is academic: Thoughts on navigating emotions in research on moral injury. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (ahead-of-print). LINK

Literature review of contextual (spiritual/existential, organizational, political and societal) dimensions of moral injury
Molendijk, T., Verkoren, W., Drogendijk, A., Elands, M., Kramer, E.-H., Smit, A., & Verweij, D. 2022. Contextual dimensions of moral injury: An interdisciplinary review. Military Psychology, 34(6): 742-753. LINK

Easy-read chapter for professionals on moral, political and societal dimensions of moral injury incl. practical recommendations
Molendijk, T. 2022. Moral Injury: The Psychological Impact of Morally Critical Situations. In: D.E.M. Verweij, P. Olsthoorn & E. van Baarle, eds. Ethics and Military Practice. Leiden: Brill, 53–66. LINK

About moral, political and societal dimensions of moral injury with extensive case studies of Bosnia and Afghanistan veterans. Several chapters appeared as shorter article versions in 2018 & 2019, see below. This book was awarded the Van Helsdingen prize for best work on the borderline of psychiatry and philosophy.
Molendijk, T. (2021). Moral Injury and Soldiers in Conflict: Political Practices and Public Perceptions. London: Routledge. LINK (or email me).

About counterproductive effects of the current popularity of the concept of moral injury
Molendijk, T. 2021. Warnings against Romanticising Moral Injury. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 220(1): 1-3. LINK

About the link between military values and moral dilemmas
Molendijk, T. 2021. Moral Complexities of Military Deployment: Dutch Soldiers’ Experiences of Value Conflict and Moral Injury. In: D. Schmitz Wortmeyer, ed. Deep Loyalties: Values in Military Lives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. LINK

About military resilience programs and the potential harmful effects of an overfocus on positive psychology
Van Baarle, E. & Molendijk, T. 2021. Resilience as the Road to Mental Readiness? Reflections from an Ethics-of-care Perspective. Journal of Military Ethics: 20(2): 129-144. LINK

About the role of organizational ambiguities in moral injury
Kalkman, J. & Molendijk, T. 2021. The Role of Strategic Ambiguity in Moral Injury: A Case Study of Dutch Border Guards Facing Moral Challenges. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(2): 221–234. LINK

About the role of political decision-making and narratives surrounding military interventions in moral injury
Molendijk, T. 2019. The Role of Political Practices in Moral Injury: A Study of Afghanistan Veterans. Political Psychology, 40(2): 261-275. LINK 1 (to publication) | LINK 2 (to pre-print pdf)

About the role of societal perceptions of soldiers and public debates surrounding military interventions in moral injury
Molendijk, T. 2018. Moral Injury in Relation to Public Debates: The Role of Societal Misrecognition in Moral Conflict-Colored Trauma among Soldiers. Social Science & Medicine, 211: 314-320. LINK 1 (to publication) | LINK 2 (to pre-print pdf)

About ‘the moral’ in moral injury at the personal level, and the manifestation of morality’s complexity in moral injury
Molendijk, T. 2018. Toward an Interdisciplinary Conceptualization of Moral Injury: From Unequivocal Guilt and Anger to Moral Conflict and Disorientation. New Ideas in Psychology, 51: 1-8. LINK 1 (to publication) | LINK 2 (to pre-print pdf)

Preliminary analysis of conceptualizations of moral dimensions of moral injury
Molendijk, T., Kramer, E.H. & Verweij, D.E.M. 2018. Moral Aspects of ‘Moral Injury’: Analyzing Conceptualizations on the Role of Morality in Military Trauma. Journal of Military Ethics. 17(1):36-53. LINK 1 (to publication) | LINK 2 (to pre-print pdf)

About how soldiers receive double-bind messages in the military about violence and trauma
Molendijk, T., Kramer, E.H. & Verweij, D.E.M. 2016. Conflicting Notions on Violence and PTSD in the Military: Institutional and Personal Narratives of Combat-Related Illness. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 40(3): 338-360. LINK 1 (to publication) | LINK 2 (to pre-print pdf)