In 2024, the Dutch Armed Forces were awarded the Carnegie Peace Prize. This speech (in English), delivered as an external speaker, explores the moral dilemmas of “fighting for peace.” As a peacekeeper, you often find yourself in a place where there’s no peace to keep – only war to witness. And that’s why you’re there. This demands a great deal from a soldier, but also from society as a whole.
Wat als je voor een onmogelijke keuze staat of je verantwoordelijk voelt voor het leed van anderen? Veteraan Dennis Havermans, antropoloog Tine Molendijk en psycholoog Jackie June ter Heide vertellen in de podcast Moreel Trauma.
2024, November 26. Widely publicized keynote for the awarding of the Carnegie Wateler Peace Prize to the Netherlands Armed Forces. Online/The Hague, The Netherlands.
2024, September 12. Interviewed by RTL Nieuws on military music and soldiers’ morale. RTL Editie NL [News program].

2024, June 23. Interviewed by Arnon Grünberg in Filosofisch Kwintet. [national television program]. HUMAN, NPO 1. LINK
2024, March 29. Interviewed by RTL Nieuws on military humor, psychological and moral transgressions among Israeli soldiers in Gaza. RTL Nieuws [News program]. LINK
2024, January 17. Interviewed by Dennis de Gruijter for ‘De Stoïcijnse Arena: Dr. Tine Molendijk’. De Stoïcijnse Arena [podcast]. S2024(3). LINK Spotify
2023, Interviewed for KNAK. [Online platform for military mental health]. LINK YouTube
2023, Interviewed by Rosa Rooduijn & Laura Keulartz for ‘De wereld ís ook geen veilige plek’. In de bovenkooi. S02: E02. LINK Spotify.
2023, June 24. Interviewed Mark Visser for NOS Live Veteranendag 2023. [Television program]. NPO 1. LINK YouTube.
2023, June 6. Interviewed by Peter de Ruiter about silence among Dutch Indonesia veterans after the colonial war. Stille Getuigen [online podcast]. LINK Spotify.
2023, January 2. Interviewed by Marc Pollen about violence, society and war, military culture and victimhood. Scherpschutters [online podcast]. LINK YouTube. LINK Spotify.
2022, December 24. Interviewed by Remko Theulings about how the crisis in Ukrain changed societal perceptions of the armed forces for EenVandaag. NPO 1 EenVandaag [television program]. LINK
2022, August 6. Interviewed in Nieuwsweekend [radio news program] about international law of war violations in Ukraine. NPO Radio 1 Nieuwsweekend. LINK
2022, July 23. Interviewed in Dr Kelder & Co [radio news program] about ‘Victim culture’. NPO Radio 1 Dr Kelder & Co. LINK
2022, July 3. Interviewed for Slag om de wereldorde. [Battle of the world order.] HUMAN Brainwash Special [Television program]. NPO 2. LINK
2022, March 21. Interviewed in BNR Nieuwsradio [radio news program] about Dutch civilians joining the war in Ukraine. BNR Nieuwsradio De Ochtendspits. LINK
Interviewed in talkshow setting at LZV contactdag 2020. LINK
2022. Interviewed by Ilse Raaijmakers in Moreel trauma [Special podcast about moral injury]. LINK
2021. Interviewed by Trineke Palm & Jörg Noll for: ‘Moral Injury’. Pallas Athena [Podcast about military research]. LINK
2021, May 27. Interviewed in VRT Radio 1 De Wereld Vandaag [radio news program] about PTSD, violence, aftercare and training. Radio 1 De Wereld Vandaag, 17:10. LINK

2021. Interviewed by Puck de Boer for: ‘#8 Tine Molendijk’. Standplaats Wereld [Podcast for and by anthropologists]. LINK
2020, November 19. Interview in NOS Radio 1 Journaal [radio news program] about War crimes by Australian special forces. NOS Radio 1 Journaal. LINK
2020. Interviewed by Daniël Schut for: Het ongemak van oorlog en de Nederlandse militaire identiteit [The Discomfort of War and the Dutch Military Identity], together with Christ Klep. Appèl [Podcast]. LINK
2020, June 10. Invited presenter of webinar Morele stress en moreel trauma bij zorgpersoneel in de coronacrisis, together with clinical psychologist J.J. ter Heide. [Webinar] Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NtVP). LINK
2020. Interviewed by Ben Hendriksen for: In gesprek met Tine Molendijk. [In discussion with Tine Molendijk.] Veteranenradio [Podcast]. LINK
2019. Interviewed by Marije Hess Schuurman for: Moreel verwond. [Morally Injured.] [Radio documentary.] Radio Doc, Radio 1. Amsterdam: Radiomakers Desmet. LINK